
PC On/Off Time

FREE Time Tracking Tool Shows Times Your PC Has Been Active (for the past 3 weeks)

An easy way to tap into this information is to use the small portable application called PC On/Off Time. No installation is required and no running in the background is required.  Simply download and run.
PC On/Off Time graphically displays the usage time for your computer for the last 3 weeks without having to start any logging (uses Win 7/Vista/XP/2000/2008 built-in feature). It displays the hours of operation, in a simple overview, so you can see at what times the computer was on or off. You can also connect to a network PC and create the report.
PC On/Off
What this graphic display will tell you is this:
A grey fade-out indicates that the computer switches into standby mode. (Windows 7/Vista or higher)
A red bar indicates that the computer was shut down unexpectedly (Windows event ID: 6008) with a following reboot.
In answer to the second part of the question; “What could you use this information for?
PC On/Off  Time could be used as a troubleshooting tool.  For example, I recently experienced an issue where my PC would abruptly shut down. This tool would have been helpful to determine the number of times this occurred and the date/time.
PC On/Off Time could be used to monitor the usage time that your children are on the the computer.
PC On/Off Time could be used to monitor computers on a network you are managing.  For example, you may have a rogue user who is showing up at work after hours to use a PC for personal gain.
PC On/Off Time could be used a a timesheet tool to document time spent on a special project.
PC On/Off Time could be used as a forensics tool to generate a graphical report, as supporting documentation in a criminal case.
Can you think of any other uses for this tool?  I would love to hear your comments.

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